Speckled Peacock Bass

Speckled Peacock Bass

The speckled peacock bass is a world-class warm-water sport fish.

Catch Ease
Lake, Pond, River

How to identify a Speckled Peacock Bass

Adult speckled peacocks are distinguished by blotches on the opercula and three vertical black bars on the body which become more pronounced with age. Another color phase may have 4-6 horizontal rows of light colored dashes along the sides and speckling over the rest of the body and fins. This description may sound confusing, but it combines what was thought to be two different species until 1981, when it was determined that the two color patterns were from fish of the same species. This is the only Cichla spp. which has broken longitudinal lines and spots on the head, opercula and in the caudal and dorsal fins, resulting in a speckled appearance.

Where to catch Speckled Peacock Bass

It is native to South America’s Orinoco and Amazon River Basins, but has been introduced into other countries and is established in southeastern Florida as a result of a deliberate introduction made in 1985. The following list includes additional details on where to catch this fish:

how to catch Speckled Peacock Bass

An excellent game fish, the speckled peacock can be caught on spin, bait-casting or fly tackle. Their pound-for-pound power is brutal, even when matched to heavy tackle. They will strike plugs, spoons, spinners, streamer flies and popping bugs. Their top water strikes are stunning in ferocity and they make spectacular jumps and strong runs. The larger they get, the more fiercely they fight. Considering they can grow to more than 30 pounds, be prepared for a battle when you hook into a speckled peacock! The following are fishing methods used to catch this fish:

Speckled Peacock Bass lures, tackle & bait

The following are lures, tackle or bait that can be used to catch this fish:

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