Porbeagle Shark

Porbeagle Shark

The porbeagle shark has the ability to maintain its body temperature above the surrounding water temperature.

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How to identify a Porbeagle Shark

The porbeagle shark is in the same family as the white and the mako sharks and they resemble each other very closely. The snout is perfectly conical and ends in a point, and there is a large, very prominent flattened keel on either side of the caudal peduncle. It is easily distinguished from other sharks by its teeth, which are smooth and have little cusps on each side of the base. It has a smaller secondary peduncle keel than the white shark. This smaller peduncle keel is located beneath the main keel but farther back on the tail. The first dorsal fin is farther forward than on the mako or white sharks. Its anal fin is directly beneath the second dorsal fin, whereas the mako’s anal fin originates near the midpoint of the second dorsal fin. It has a distinguishing white patch on the free-trailing base portion of the first dorsal fin.The dorsal and lateral sides of this shark are dark blue to gray in color. The first dorsal fin is dark with a white free rear tip, meaning the far rear of the dorsal fin is free swinging, and not connected to the body. This feature is the primary characteristic that distinguishes the porbeagle from the salmon, mako, and white sharks. The porbeagle shark is known to reach a length of 12 feet and weigh over 500 pounds.The fact that porbeagle sharks inhabit colder waters may account for the fact that there are no recorded instances of it ever attacking humans. The porbeagle is warm-blooded and ovoviviparous, having up to four pups measuring close to 20 inches long at birth.

Where to catch Porbeagle Shark

The porbeagle shark inhabits cool temperate waters of the North Atlantic from North Carolina in the United States to Newfoundland, Canada, and from North Africa to Norway and Iceland. This shark also inhabits the Mediterranean Sea and the cool temperate waters of the southern Pacific. A pelagic, oceanic shark, it has nevertheless been found near shore on occasions.This species can be found following migrations of baitfish such as mackerels, herring, cod, bonitos, and other similar, oily species of fish, which is why it is often referred to as the mackerel shark (along with its cousin, the mako shark). The following list includes additional details on where to catch this fish:

how to catch Porbeagle Shark

The porbeagle shark is an excellent sport fish and may leap when hooked. The flesh is of good quality and texture and is said to taste somewhat like swordfish. Fishing methods include trolling or bait fishing while chumming. Baits include mackerel, herring, bonito, squid and other oily fishes. The following are fishing methods used to catch this fish:

Porbeagle Shark lures, tackle & bait

The following are lures, tackle or bait that can be used to catch this fish:

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